And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart
— Galatians 6:9

Thank you Faith Doggett Photography for the great pic!

Thank you Faith Doggett Photography for the great pic!

My Dearest MacKynzie,
It's the beginning of summer break and getting into a routine is like trying to count money in a wind storm. We create neat little piles of 10 and a gush of wind swooshes it off the table into little tornados of dollars. Our neatly arranged days get blown into a jumble of mess all over the week.

Swimming is my newest favorite exercise (if there is such a thing). The first 5 trips around the pool I thought I was going to drown, but it got easier each time and I've stuck with it for about 5 months now. Before break started, I promised myself that I would continue to swim my 20 laps during the whole summer, no matter what it takes. 

In a pledge to keep my promise, we all got up and ready to head to the Y. I put you and your brother in the kids room and headed off to the pool when it hit me that I did not have breakfast. Excuse number 1 came to my head as I thought ' I couldn't possibly do 20 laps without breakfast, I might vanish into a swimming rasin. As I finished lap 6 I was thinking about how miserable you must be sitting in the kids room. Maybe I should just quit now and go rescue you from the torturous dungeon filled with crafts and toys, excuse number 2. Every lap a new reason to quit popped into my head. For some reason, I just keep saying to myself the famous quote by Dori 'just keep swimming'. 

As I headed to the wall after lap 20 I looked at my watch and saw that I beat my best time ever by 20 seconds. That might seem like a small accomplishment not even worth writing about but as I sat there and looked at my watch all I could think about was how far I've come since my first swim. The bible verse that I read earlier that morning played over and over in my head 'And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart'. I thought about all of the times I started something and never finished. This swim was no different than any other day but all of them came together in this moment as I celebrated that I did not lose heart and stuck with it even though there were a million times I wanted to quit. 

My loving advice to you. Anything worth having or doing takes time and persistence. Though you may not see the fruit of your labor for days, weeks, months or even years.. eventually you will sit back in awe of what you've accomplished. If you are doing good things and stay persistent, God will make sure that you reap a reward for your hard work. In my gym owning days, I saw this happen a hundred times. The turtles won the race, not the rabbits. Dream up your wildest goals and start doing small things every day that will help you reach them. 

My love to you and my prayer for an amazing life!  Live to inspire <3 to create!

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